Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why is Social Networking SO Important in Business?

In contemporary society, it's not what you know but who you know...and who knows you.

While so many people go through life and become successful because they are 'brain smart', many of the well established entrepreneurs and business owners that the Urban Dates team have come across understand just how necessary social networking really is.

Tip # 1: Social networking is an incredible platform for successful entrepreneurship for 4 simple reasons:
  • Recognition
  • Relationships
  • Resources
  • Referrals
For anybody looking to get their foot in the door with a specific industry, recognition is key! There are many different ways to get your name out through various forms of media and communications. The value of face-to-face social networking allows you to develop more personal relationships with others to help you specify your brand and service. Those who are seeking the type of service you offer are more likely to contact you once you have established a personal relationship with them. Whether or not they are looking for your service on the day you meet them or five years down the road; you will have established yourself as a recognizable face. In terms of resources, direct social networking can provide you with an incredible platform for problem solving resources, partnership resources and finding individuals who might prove to make a positive contribution to your business. Finally, even though you may not establish a partnership with every individual you meet, you may meet somebody who will refer you to your next big client.

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